Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The New York Bass Essentials( 1. Instruction)

Upon making some major life changes in 2000, (including moving into NYC), I came to believe that B+ guitarists who can't sing are a dime a dozen. I wanted to play out with other musicians, what was I to do? Enter Joe Solomon (Left) who plays for the Brooklyn Philharmonic and provides bass instruction. Joe has some unique approaches to practicing and learning combining basic gymnastics and technique with beginning music theory and improvisation tools. If you play guitar, its true that you know where the notes are on the bass, but that doesn't make you a bassist. Studying with Joe gave me the feel to apply the gravitational pull and direction from the rhythm (he insists that we practice with a metronome). He has also been a friend and an introduction to other musicians. His articles on practicing are a must for all students of any instrument.


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