Sunday, April 30, 2006

James Paul McCartney (The Beatles)

Likely the most famous bassist (and left handed person) ever, Paul too started on guitar before joining the other team in The Liverpool cave. His catchiest bass lines often appear on John Lennon songs (Come Together & Good Morning Good morning). Paul still plays upright as well as guitar and piano. 39 years ago he asked us, "will you still need me, will you still feed me when I'm 64?" The answer from here is a resounding yes. Rock on Paul We love you !!!(click here for 2005 review) (drawing by Matt Groenig (may be subject to copyright)

New York Bass Essentials (3. On-line Bulletin Board)

Craig's list is an online community where a visitor can find anything from a prostitute to a porsche. Unlike ebay, Craigslist does not act as a middle man through which anonymous transactions clear, but rather a massive electronic bulletin board where in very short order seekers and providers can identify each other and if they so desire, make contact. In earlier days, such notices were posted in the Village Voice or the New York Pres. Visit and the world is your oyster. The image at left is the greeting page from which you begin your search.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Bootsy Collins (James Brown, Parliament/Funkadelics)

Bootsy says, "The MF blogging mothership will defame all spammers!" We permit and encourage comments friendly or otherwise as relating to the posted content. Commercial solicitation will result in active defamation of all violators and their products here and on our widely read affiliate blogs. Bootsy Collins was James Brown's bassist before teaming up with George Clinton, and founding 70s acts, Parliament, The Funkadelics, Bootsy's Rubber Band etc. His nephew is Calvin Broadus (aka Snoop Dog).

New York Bass Essentials (2. Gear)

Joe Solomon (bass) and Stanley Jordon (gtr) will tell you, its not the song, its the singer. In other words do not focus on the equipment, but the music. But if you need to buy or service a bass, guitar or amp, you can not find more variety, or sheer dedication than offered by the Brewster brothers. They did not pay for this endorsement. Click Here for more. The place is a f# museum.

Friday, April 28, 2006

INNOVATORS & IDIOTS (1st in a series)

John Simon Ritchie aka SID VICIOUS 1957-1979 THE SEX PISTOLS. When Steve Jones (guitar) & Jonny Rotten (vocals) found their relationship non viable w/ original bassist/songwriter Glen Matlock, Ritchie was recruited and introduced to bass by Malcom McLaren(founder/manager) for his looks and lifestyle. Matlock played almost exclusively on their only album.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Who Am I and what am I doing here?

I was an average looking white guy with a seven-year-old son, and a serious job. . At age 40, I have come to believe that if I was going to be a rock star, it would have happened already. 5 years ago, after playing guitar for 26 years, I joined the other team...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The New York Bass Essentials( 1. Instruction)

Upon making some major life changes in 2000, (including moving into NYC), I came to believe that B+ guitarists who can't sing are a dime a dozen. I wanted to play out with other musicians, what was I to do? Enter Joe Solomon (Left) who plays for the Brooklyn Philharmonic and provides bass instruction. Joe has some unique approaches to practicing and learning combining basic gymnastics and technique with beginning music theory and improvisation tools. If you play guitar, its true that you know where the notes are on the bass, but that doesn't make you a bassist. Studying with Joe gave me the feel to apply the gravitational pull and direction from the rhythm (he insists that we practice with a metronome). He has also been a friend and an introduction to other musicians. His articles on practicing are a must for all students of any instrument.